What is Cannabis?
Cannabis, most commonly known as marijuana, is a drug that contains the psychoactive cannabinoid THC (delta9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and the non psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the chemical responsible for causing people to feel high and is used in many products, which can be consumed in various forms - smoked, eaten, vaporized. The effects of cannabis vary significantly depending on the form consumed.
Youth Cannabis Use Concerns
According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health data from 2018-2020, approximately 12.8% of youth aged 12-17 and 35.7% of young adults aged 18-25 reported using marijuana in the past year. Harmful effects to the developing brain may lead to problems with concentration, thinking, and judgement. Long-term use of marijuana may increase the risk of developing anxiety, depression, and psychosis in adults.
Our Efforts
Educational Forums
The coalition has organized educational forums aimed at informing community members about the risks associated with cannabis use, with a focus on its impact on youth. Through these forums, attendees gained insights into the potential health, social, and legal consequences of cannabis consumption, empowering them to make informed decisions and support preventive measures within the community.
Smoke Shop Assessment Project
The coalition is collaborating with substance use prevention organizations and other stakeholders to collectively identify priority schools, youth-sensitive locations, and surrounding smoke/vape shops that may contribute to the availability and access of unregulated THC products, emerging cannabinoids, and dangerous paraphernalia supporting illicit cannabis concentrate production/manufacture.